
Battle endpoint management challenges
The amount of endpoints connected across your network is increasing dramatically thanks to bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs and internet of things (IoT) technologies. Keeping track of all these endpoints and assets can be a challenge if you rely on manual processes or disparate, point solutions. Our unified endpoint management solution helps you take control of network-connected devices and automate endpoint management tasks, so you have peace of mind that you’ve met license compliance regulations and your network is secure from cybercriminals.

Automate and streamline complex management tasks. Gain greater visibility and control over all your endpoints.​


Endpoint visibility
With so many new devices, platforms, applications and technologies, it can be nearly impossible to keep track of everything connected to your network. Our unified endpoint management solution provides you with endpoint visibility so that you can manage and track all connected devices and software across your IT environment while providing you with a single place to view all device activity. It’s not possible to manage something if you don’t know it’s there.


Endpoint security
Cybercriminals are savvier than ever. You need to deliver timely security updates and patching. Our comprehensive, unified endpoint management solution helps you prevent cyberattacks by pushing patches to the right devices at the right time, and confirming that policies and compliance regulations are enforced, so you can rest assured that you’re one-step ahead of potential attackers.​

Endpoint compliance
Software non-compliance can lead to inefficiencies and substantial fines. Our endpoint management solution provides you with comprehensive software inventory, metering and distribution capabilities, so you’re able to discover, maintain and track software license utilization. Plus, avoid costly fines for under-licensing while at the same time, metering your software to make sure that you’re not over-licensing endpoints and wasting valuable IT budget.